Not really a meme but pretty hilarious.[]
Absolutely great! I remember as a teen, having pulled a muscle in my upper thigh & applying Ben-Gay. It didn't stay right where I applied it & I ended up in just about the same state as this fellow! My folks wondered why I was showering, with cold water, in the evening, so my Dad came to investigate. When I explained the situation he just laughed & laughed, which I couldn't help doing, either, through my tears! Took ages to scrub it off! Or, it seemed like ages, anyhow!
I know a guy who thought masturbating with ben gay was a good idea as a teen. Teenage boys do some stupid stuff, lol.
@OpposingOpposum If he was a typical teen boy he may actually have been able to 'finish' before the pain got too bad!
I will never understand why it is not more widely-known that it is NEVER a good idea to put ANY kind of chemical agent on one's private areas.
While shaving and waxing carry their own inherent risks, they are far less dangerous (and usually have fewer long-term consequences), than chemical
hair removal products do.
Use some common sense, people. The skin in those areas rarely sees sunlight, let alone harsh chemicals. There is a reason that it's as sensitive
as it is.
Btw, the hair grows there for a reason.
Leave it the fuck alone. We experience so many issues with hair removal for the simple fact that we are NOT supposed to be fucking with it.
I blame porn.
Quite possibly the funniest thing I’ve ever read, I’m in hysterics over here.
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