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You can Try to be optimistic about being ghosted

Kojaksmom 8 Oct 23
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steve148 Level 7 Oct 23, 2018

Not that I am coming on to you, but ...I'm not a ghost! This is just a statement put out there for any ladies to see. I've been here for a good 10 months & haven't really hidden myself!!! LOL! If anyone wants to talk to me I will appreciate the friendship just as much as if it develops further. Some folks (guys, but some ladies) are thoughtless & mean. Now, I'm just an asshole, but a nice one, & I think fairly out front with who I am. My profile is honest, my posts are honest & my comments are honest. This isn't really the platform for this, but, since it came up... (sarcastic replies are now welcome!)

phxbillcee Level 10 Oct 23, 2018

Perhaps the person you thought who was deeply (or just interested) in you took sadistic delight in the hurt following the loss of communication? There are cruel people in the World,maybe passing on the way they were treated in life.

Mike1947 Level 7 Oct 23, 2018

@mike1974 No one could be certain. this guy, I think, was looking for somebody to take care of him financially. he quickly found another woman and moved in with her. So better her than me.


Yeah, it sucks. It happened to me early this year. Oh well, I'm not going to dwell on it.

Cabsmom Level 8 Oct 23, 2018
3 get 15 whole days?!?

sometimes it ain't free damn it!


Ok so I'm not good with this stuff, but what does it mean to be ghosted?

paul1967 Level 8 Oct 23, 2018

When someone you've been talking too and or gone on a few dates with just cuts all ties without warning and stops all communication.

@JeremyTaylor Oh so taking the cowards approach. I've been on both sides of that. It was cowardly when I did it, and it hurts when others have done it to me.


better free than charged then ghosted

glennlab Level 10 Oct 23, 2018

I've been there too! That bastard still owes me 50 bucks!



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