4 10

Ha! Millennial! Lol

BeeHappy 9 Feb 20
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Cursive writing -- I swear by it!


I already do. No one can read my handwriting.

RavenCT Level 9 Feb 20, 2018

That's why I usually print, tho a sort of cursive printing. When I was in first grade they taught cursive beginning in second grade. Then we moved & the new school had been teaching cursive since first grade. Never did really catch up, I mean, I learned, just was never "pretty".
I developed my current "handwriting" taking notes in college...had to be quick & legible!

@phxbillcee Started cursive in 1st, and 2nd grade (Catholic School) Then a lapse until 5th or 6th grade, It's awful. I printed in my college notes - I wish we'd already had laptops - I can keyboard very well! 😉

@RavenCT Yeah, my first 4 yrs were Catholic schools but went from a small diocese outside Chicago in my first yr to a major one in Philadelphia.

@phxbillcee I ended up in Public School and I still don't know if they were teaching cursive using the same system? lol An 8th grade teacher took an interest in my class when he discovered our written stories were impossible to read for the most part. He did some work with us to get us in shape.

@phxbillcee Condolences BTW if you had Nuns. Boy I had the mean ones!

Recently mentioned this to someone from my HS grad class and he was all "OMG YES! Sister Rose and Sister Rosa were MEAN!". I think he finally felt validated.

@RavenCT Oh yes, I had nuns!


wish I could write cursive in the response here!!

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 20, 2018

Bwahahah! Yes!

Brbaldwin Level 7 Feb 20, 2018
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