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I plan something special every Sunday morning, not to replace church, but to take advantage of the couple hours when they lock all the true believers up in church.

JazznBlues 8 Jan 26
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Grocery shopping before church gets out is beautiful. If you wait until like 1pm the store is full of people in dress clothes.


Know that feeling......have really noticed that, in general, people are alot more pleasent on sunday mornings.....more smiles, people stopping others to visit, ect.....then noon rolls around.


I usually do the grocery shopping, fewer crowds.

Orbit Level 7 Jan 26, 2019

It's the best time (during church or home football games) to shop or dine in this town...

Zster Level 8 Jan 26, 2019

I find it the best time for home invasion and robbery

Rudy1962 Level 9 Jan 26, 2019

good idea - enjoy the peace and quiet while you can lol

When I was a child in Pensacola, Sunday meant no traffic while I was riding my bicycle. Except for a drug store and a downtown pool hall, nothing was open.

Got good at pool.

@WonderWartHog99 you couldn't buy a pack of gum on Sunday in my little home town. #BlueLaws

@JazznBlues my town was pretty much the same up until relatively recently . . . Sunday was for Church and except for gas and a pharmacy you pretty much out of luck for anything else.

However, pretty everybody had the day off so that mean family gathering, big Sunday suppers or beach/swimming picnics etc were pretty easy to arrange . . not so much any more

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