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Made this just now

Electro68 7 Feb 24
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Lol! Soulmate!

Livinlife Level 9 Feb 25, 2019

Lol, my tribe!!


This is funny. Don't worry about what others say. It's a meme! Not a personal statement (even if there is some truth to it. ?). Got your back bro'. ?

BeeHappy Level 9 Feb 24, 2019

Thanks Bee! I appreciate it. You know what helps with being uptight?? Weed and sex, just saying

@Electro68 What is this "weed" you speak of? Lol. ? I have no problem with weed just have never been around it as an adult (other than the occasional whiff I get walking the hallway of my senior apartments.). Besides that's a luxury I can't afford. If I even have a beer it's because someone is offering it. I'm on a crazy tight budget. Not complaining, that's just what it is. Doesn't affect my happiness at all. ?

@BeeHappy I know how that is...not even a beer tho, that's tight. Happiness is a state of mind. There are happy people in prison for life, and sad people who have everything. Thanks for spreading the former Bee. ?

@Electro68 My pleasure. Just doin' my job sir! ?



darthfaja Level 7 Feb 24, 2019

Why I don't date.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Feb 24, 2019

I thought it was funny, apparently not to everyone.

@Electro68 I gave it a thumbs up! Jus sayin

@Kojaksmom thx. I'm barely dating myself but mainly because of serial daters and chat jugglers.

@Electro68 right! I just find it easier to have a couple drinks and masturbate. Lol!

@Kojaksmom same!!!?

@Electro68 @Kojaksmom You two should meet and masturbate together.

@brentan I'm an old lady, but I ain't dead yet.

@Kojaksmom Might be easier but it definitely isn't as much fun. Besides I think my B.O.B. is about to "break" up with me. He says he feels used! Oh well. ?

@brentan I was going to suggest the same for @Kojaksmom & @Electro68.... great minds?

@BeeHappy I had to look that up!

@BeeHappy you crazy, lmao..I like it.

@brentan What? B.O.B.?

@Electro68 Truth can be funny and a sad fact at the same time. ?

@BeeHappy same thing that makes you laugh can make you cry.

@Kojaksmom I had to check your profile. Love the plants and fish tank. Are those light green air plants or the "spider" type ones?

@BeeHappy Yes. Too many years in religion, I guess.

@Electro68 yep.

@brentan I hear you. Just learned it a few years ago myself. I get a kick out of referring to my boyfriend B.o.b. Lol ?

@Zoohome I have a 90 gallon fish tank saltwater and a very very large array of houseplants

@BeeHappy yeah but I'm lazy. I always follow the path of least resistance. Dating sucks!

@Kojaksmom nice!
I haven't adventure with saltwater tank. Mine us a 100-gallon freshwater


scoop her up fast


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