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Only in the bible would a guy standing next to a hot naked woman be tempted by fruit.

Steve_M 4 Mar 13
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Must've been some good fruit.

beenthere Level 7 Mar 14, 2019

He would either be gay or blind.


Why would God , I use the term loosely, put a tree of knowledge where Adam and Eve could get to it? Why were Adam and Eve forbidden to eat from the tree? What was ghost in the sky afraid of?
Perhaps having knowledge would prove he doesn't really exist.

@Closeted great video, I loved it


If Adam was a fruit........


Both have belly buttons...


it was eves idea to eat the fruit, so she was bored .

I think she just wanted to see if he would listen to her! Lol

@MichelleGar1 that's why women don't have = rights blame eve lmao. also of course he is gonna listen she is naked

@metalhead222 LMAO!!! That's messed up!


did it ever strike you as curious as to why the Invisible Man in the Sky would put the one forbidden tree right in the middle of the garden? shitty horticultural choice if you ask me


Whoa! Someone actually airbrushed Eve to look thinner!
What in the actual fuck?!

KKGator Level 9 Mar 13, 2019

Fair point. I added the text to an image already on one of those meme generators. I expect you're right that the woman would have been more rubenesque had it it been painted by... well... Ruben?

I believe someone would have artistic licence when depicting a fantasy character.


He was confizzled lol

Haven't we all?

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