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Need a morning picker upper.

noworry28 8 Mar 19
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A question... if the situation were reversed, does it do the same for women?

MojoDave Level 9 Mar 20, 2019

unlikely but im down if she is


Is this a convenient lie? It seems to make men happier throughout the day, but actually depletes the energy. Correct me if I am wrong. Just what I have noticed in the past.

You know that guys only have one thing on our mind. We'll take it anyway we can.??


Lip lock alarm clock


Yer us women need more energy in the morning too -but we would still have to make the coffee after either way??

Lllewis Level 7 Mar 19, 2019

But the Bible clearly says that men should make the coffee. "Hebrew" ??? Let him make it.

@noworry28 haha I need to remember that quote ?


Receiving or giving? just checking

Receiving and she cannot use any teeth.??


makes sense to me


I can program the coffee pot the night before and sleep in....

GwenBFree Level 7 Mar 19, 2019

Cool, but what do I get? I'm fuckin' tired from all his snoring.

Kynlei Level 8 Mar 19, 2019

Thank you for doing a good deed and whatever else you desire. ?

@Captnron59 Haha, not always.

@Captnron59 I meant that there isn't always turnabout...

@Kynlei You need to work on that!


Like I care.

KKGator Level 9 Mar 19, 2019
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