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Carbs are definitely life ??

Lllewis 7 Mar 25
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Don't shoot the messenger, but IMHO the 5 basic food groups are: pizza, cheeseburgers, Margaritas, tacos and General Tsao's chicken. But Cuban food should be in there too!

MojoDave Level 9 Mar 25, 2019

Pizza, especially thin-crust pizza with meat topings and a low fat cheese, has proven to be a very nutritionally balanced food. Throw on some EVOO and you're getting a good balance of nutrients...just avoid the pig-out that comes with ordering a large pie and no one to share it with....

Right, Barbie?

Robecology Level 9 Mar 25, 2019

WAIT! I can't pig out? ☹

@MojoDave C'mon, know you can't resist - the temptation - the pure evil - of a freshly baked pizza sitting in front of you....and a glass of wine in your hands....3 hail Mary's and dig in!


Her pepperonis are lopsided

Rudy1962 Level 9 Mar 25, 2019

who cares

There is a surgical procedure that can fix that abnormality.


Looks photoshopped.


If I was Ken, I'd eat it.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 25, 2019

If you were Ken you'd wouldn't have a dick.

@WonderWartHog99 Then I'd have to eat it. lol

Just because you can't cut the mustard, doesn't mean you can't lick the jar.

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