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Damn immigants

altschmerz 9 Mar 27
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Livinlife Level 9 Mar 28, 2019

lets face it , the problem is to many inbreed white people live here


Don't we import oil too?

Zoohome Level 8 Mar 27, 2019

Never mind. It's there


I still say it's all about controlled immigration.

brentan Level 8 Mar 27, 2019

I think what I'm trying to say is the sign is too simplistic. It doesn't take any complications into consideration, such as fear and hatred of foreigners being diminished with controlled immigration.

@Closeted Europe opened the gates to large-scale immigration and it has changed the face of nations like Britain, France and Sweden. Many people in Europe fear their countries are being taken over and their culture destroyed. I sympathise with them. Nonetheless, I don't discount you comment that there will always be racists no matter what's going on.

@Closeted I'm disappointed you see it that way. I think that attitude just leads to continued tit-for-tat and if push came to shove, Europe would respond with great violence against its immigrants. So I always go for the middle road of controlled immigration.

@Closeted I think I'll need words.

@Closeted Wo, maybe not that many words! I guess the picture was about white nurses running Middle Eastern hospitals. Are the Muslim women today's nurses?

Anyway, I've read enough to know something about the historical crimes committed by the West. I feel the hurt in your comments. I don't know how the situation will improve. I thought the lesson had been learned after Libya to stop getting involved and go back to a kind of Monroe Declaration but sadly no.


If this is America, literally everyone is an immigrant unless they're Native American. People seem to forget that most of us would not be here if our ancestors didn't immigrate.

Kynlei Level 8 Mar 27, 2019

@Closeted Oh for fuck's sake. They need to get over themselves.

By the third generation, they're no longer immigrants -- they're native born. I was told in Lockhart, Texas "You're not going to be accepted here until your grandfather dies here. After that it's who is the oldest white family."

@WonderWartHog99 Yeah yeah. That still doesn't change anyone's genetics. I'm considered native, but my family is of European descent. If my however-many-great grandparents hadn't left their countries, I'd be living in either the Netherlands or Germany. If my parents ever even met, that is.

@Kynlei "When they say 'send 'em back from where they come from'; send me to St. Louis." -- Red Foxx.

@Closeted After living in Texas for three years, I'm convinced it's another universe.

True Story

One time I was walking past a Texas Highway Patrol car and noticed the a string on the end of the bumper.

"What 'ya doing, officer?" I asked.

"I'm going to tie this peanut on the string and go trolling for squirrels," he said.


That person makes a very good point.

freedom41 Level 9 Mar 27, 2019

Saw this sign during the Muslim Ban protests. Still appropriate.


Where is this protest? I can eliminate all the places mentioned, and I can easily deduce that it's an English speaking country...
Canada?? England?...

scurry Level 9 Mar 27, 2019

@Closeted Yes is does, but it also mentions "movies are American" implying this is not in the USA.

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