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@EricTrommater Vexxed, are we?

KKGator 9 Apr 17
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He's ducking passed off didn't you see his video earlier?


@EricTrommater simulated for amusement value

@OpposingOpposum Just like my sex life....


Is it because of the (dare I say it) Crocs?

Yes. Yes it is.,,,



Awesome. I'll get the popcorn.

@KKGator what is the point of making my own group if I can't make arbitrary rules and have people blindly follow them without any regard to whether they make any sense or not?

@EricTrommater So, you're justifying the upcoming epic tantrum.
Got it.


@KKGator so few rules here. No porn. No spam. No Crocs. I hard is it? Is there not a foot fetish group or something on here where these abominations can be posted? It is bad enough having to see them in r/l at Wal-Mart! Can I not have one place where I am free from their oppression?

@EricTrommater wasn't crocs 😂 Were goths 😂😂😂

@Pralina1 technicality.....

@EricTrommater I wanna know what u gonna do , if the woman of your life find u , if she is adorable , the shit and all , and she shows up w crocs . If for some reason , this was her only flaw ? I am dying to read an answer to this !

@EricTrommater still ! It stands . She should be forgiven ! And loved 😂

@Pralina1 if she truly loved me She woukd wear proper footwear.

@EricTrommater 3 date ! She won't love u nothing on 3D date . Let's say 3D date , but u know some how she is the One . And she wears a pair of these hideous pair . What do u do ??


@Pralina1 it speaks to terrible lack of judgement on her part. Idk that might work in @Eric s favor tho...

AW, you're so cute when you're mad and those floppy ears bend back.

@EricTrommater i am with you, Eric! A croc-less woman is best!

@OpposingOpposum I won't join any club that takes people like me as a member....

@EyesThatSmile thank you for that!

@EricTrommater same! Don't people have standards anymore?

@OpposingOpposum no. No they do not,


He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother LMAO

Livinlife Level 9 Apr 17, 2019


Thanks sis ❤

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