7 14

Pretty close

Rudy1962 9 Apr 20
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Trying to hard

Tooreen Level 7 Apr 21, 2019

No Rocky Mountain high for that guy.


Baby steps?

Livinlife Level 9 Apr 20, 2019

most are stuck as Alabama level


Just like Android OS, the level's are alphabetical, Nirvana's the next after Montana.


As opposed to "Nirvana"....OK....I think?

Robecology Level 9 Apr 20, 2019

I think


There isn't much wrong with Montana.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Apr 20, 2019

The state has more than it's share of fruit ball militias and assorted people best left alone.

@WonderWartHog99 . Yep, some of my old neighbors moved there from upstate NY. Some also moved to Idaho, where the real recluses go.

@OldGoat43 In a previous century, I played substitute teacher for Pensacola's inner city. I was the school system's favorite substitute teacher because I could handle a brawl in the classroom. (I'd call the main office and tell them a fight is about to break out and send me some help. By the time the school resource officer and staff members showed up it was a full blown donnybrook involving half the class). After one of those things, the school staff would almost drop to their knees and say "Mr. Warthog, you've come back!"

During lunch breaks in the teacher's lounge, I'd hear other teachers talk about moving to Montana to escape the black kids. Everyone was doing their best for the kids, but they'd add "Dam, Bubba, Montana is starting to sound pretty good."

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