@BeeHappy be like.... of course that's why I chose her for moderator.
Right? Hahaha! You pretty much nailed it!
Did you ding him for his topless pic earlier? Too sexy for agnostic.com,lol
@Blindbird Sexy wasn't quite the word I'd use. Retina scalding comes to mind.
@phxbillcee everybody's a Critic!
@Blindbird I was let off with a severe warning.
@phxbillcee you're so mean
@Blindbird No, not really. But if that's what you're into I can be accommodating!
@Blindbird, actually I didn't see it, must be slacking. I'll go investigate. BRB
@Blindbird, I can't find it.
@EricTrommater, did you remove it?
@BeeHappy nope...
@BeeHappy they look the same as anyone else's.
@EricTrommater, oh that one. I've seen it before (your profile page). @Blindbird, seen 'em once....
@BeeHappy lol. You just wanted to see him topless.
@BeeHappy do we get points when people visit our profile page? Asking for a friend.
@EricTrommater, I fucking hope so!
I don't think that's what you're supposed to do with nipples...
Oh, so you're an expert!?
@EricTrommater you could say that
@EricTrommater She's right, you need to nestle it down in there a bit more & get it settled!
@EricTrommater, as a matter of fact, yes, she is an expert! As are most women.
@phxbillcee #freethenipple
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