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Larry is all the envy

mistymoon77 9 May 18
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You laugh....but Bears do prefer certain fermented fact; a record number of camper coolers have been raided...and guess what was their favorite "food item"?

"In 2004, federal wildlife agents found a black bear passed out on the lawn of a resort in Baker Lake, Wash., after drinking 36 cans of Rainier Beer.

When the agents tried to chase off the bear, it simply scampered up a tree to sleep it off for another four hours.

The best part? The coolers the black bear raided contained both Rainier and Busch beers, but the bear ignored the Busch after trying only one.

Agents finally scared him/her off, but when it returned the next morning looking for more suds, they could only catch him/her by placing two open cans of Rainier in the bear trap.


Robecology Level 9 May 18, 2019

Larry will definitely make it through hibernation


That's some Deer Gut.

scurry Level 9 May 18, 2019

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