7 14

Not worth it

altschmerz 9 May 20
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I do skip the cheese if the only option is that nasty processed yellow glob in the plastic wrapper that Kraft calls cheese. I want real cheese, damnit.

Kynlei Level 8 May 21, 2019

love bacon cheeseburgers with jalapeno peppers, that number actually seems low to me!


"How much cheese do you need to get the flavour?"

The answer is "very little".

FrayedBear Level 9 May 21, 2019

We used to watch people get drunk simply because they thought that they were drinking liquor. They were actually drinking mixer from a glass that had had its rim dipped in liquor to give it the taste and smell of the liquor. Their minds did the rest.

So it is with cheese, you only need a small amount to give flavour and odour and certainly not that horrible looking glob of melting fat being passed off as cheese.


Nope, not worth it!

MojoDave Level 9 May 20, 2019

Why would anyone want to eat a bacon cheeseburger with no cheese?
That makes no sense at all.

KKGator Level 9 May 20, 2019

How many hamburgers do people eat in one year? That seems like a high number.

LisaL81 Level 7 May 20, 2019

But it is one of the five basic food groups, right?


What? A naked burger? Ewww.

I don't eat naked burgers! After that I plead the fifth!

@MojoDave but do you eat burgers naked? 😆😆😆😆

@RobertMartin While naked, one should have a towel on the chair. Would Miss Manners lie?

@WonderWartHog99 as long as my burger has cheese on it, I don’t care what I am wearing.
(Or not)

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