Congratulations to @scurry on making it to level 8. We look forward to your contributions as you climb to the next level.
Woot! Well.done @Scurry!!!
Thank you!!! Woot!
Cheers to you, Scurry!
Thanks very much!
Don't forget to celebrate by sending all the moderators dick pics.
ROFL!!! Ok - If you insist.
This is for all our awesome Mods!!
@ericTrommater @mistymoon77 @OpposingOpposum @phcbillcee @michelleGar1 @CaroleKay @Christiep77 @glennlab @altschmerz
Behold: Dick Pics!!!
Can you name 'em all??
@MichelleGar1 You're very welcome. LOL
@scurry aw thanks, you are too kind.. gotta love dick pix.. I can name all but one. Not bad.. I do like my dicks..
Thank you!
@scurry nothing greater than a level 8er.
Of course once we break 200k, it'll be nothing finer than a level 9er.
@RobertMartin exactly!! LOL
Congratulations, @scurry, on reaching level 8! You get a t-shirt and pen now!
Thanks Wait... I Get A PEN?!?!?! Woot!!!
@scurry Made with genuine (accept no substitutes) plastic.
@WonderWartHog99 now I'm extra excited!!
@scurry you're welcome!
@OpposingOpposum, I spelled it right!
LOL - yes you did - Thank You
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