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Roommates fighting ... 😂

SeaGreenEyez 9 June 22
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I used to share an office with a tiny, Indian woman who apparently had no blood. In the summer, when the A/C was going, she would be wrapped in a sweater and a shawl, with a space heater going full blast under her desk. It would be 90 degrees, and I'd be dying in short sleeves.

Ludo Level 7 June 23, 2019


bobwjr Level 10 June 23, 2019

I love my smart thermostat. When I leave the house it automatically goes to 68 in the winter 78 in the summer. When I'm home it's always on comfortable. My bedroom ceiling fan makes 78 comfortable at night in the summer.

Lorajay Level 9 June 23, 2019

I tell anyone who is coming over, you better wear your thermal undies because I am not cranking up the heat.. it stays a nice comfortable 64 24/7 in the winter. If they think I am turning up the heat, I will set out a donation plate to pass around..


My house will get in the 50s before I’ll switch in the heat. PUT ON A SWEATER!!

My dad said the same thing, either a sweater or a sweatshirt.

@RobertMartin Good man!


Yeah sis!


And this is why I live alone. I keep the heat down in the winter, usually at 67 degrees. Can't wear tee shirts and shorts in the house, but it saves me money.

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