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Sunday Morning Wood...

KingofHarts 7 July 25
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I’m sure he could of found a woman to volunteer to cut it off for him. That way the uptight asshole wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore.

Rudy1962 Level 9 July 27, 2019

What a piece of shit. And no idgaf that his "culture" taught him this, he's still a pile of shit.


What a Fucking Hammer Head .

GEGR Level 7 July 25, 2019

funny how suppression of one of our basic needs is always seen as part of some kind of "moral" strength


Saint Kevin knew what to do when he met a wanton woman:

'Another story about his choice of celibacy relates to his time of training at Kilnamanagh. A young woman saw him with his companions in the fields and fell passionately in love with him and pursued him in many ways but he resisted her advances. One day she came on him alone and embraced him and asked him tenderly to lie with her. Kevin rushed away and finding a bed of nettles, stripped off his clothes and rolled himself in them naked. When she further pursued him, he quickly dressed, took up a bunch of nettles and beat her off. She, realising the hopelessness of her quest, quickly repented and went off herself to become a nun. Probably the story shows that at the heart of Kevin’s quest for holiness there was a real struggle'.


brentan Level 8 July 25, 2019

That's no saint. That's a sexist bigot who's afraid of this penis.

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