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Homemade Meme

JazznBlues 8 Aug 9
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You'd have extremist religious state on your border . Probably call it Tal-abama

Really rings doesn't it, Tal-abamba


But there are a lot of good progressives and Liberals living down here. What about us?

Definitely tongue and cheek. Was talking to a coworker about this issue, joking around about how it would make a great meme. One thing led to another and TADA!!!


Please don't encourage the 🤢 neo-confederates 🤮.

While growing up, I heard "Save your confederate money. The South shall rise again!"

It was good advice. Today the near worthless confederate currency of 1865 is worth more than US currency.

Even stranger is the tale of Joshua Abraham Norton, known as Emperor Norton I, emperor of the United States and protector of Mexico. It's a long story but I'll keep it short. His delusions were endorsed by the citizens of San Francisco in 1859. So much so, he issued his own currency to pay for minor stuff like opera seats and lunch. His money was accepted and often framed at local businesses. They treated the local crackpot as established royalty.

Today Norton's currency is worth more than US currency. Save your confederate money....

@WonderWartHog99 I really hope the South does not rise again. One Civil War was enough. Slavery is a shameful thing of the past. Let's leave it in the past. We should be "one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

@BestWithoutGods Civil war was over 150 years ago. Get over it. In Atlanta, Ga, most of the city council and staff are black. They're lead by a woman. Does that sound like the Confederate States of America to you?

Besides, considering the rust belt industries re-settled in Dixie, one could argue Dixie won. Visit our car factories. 😉

@WonderWartHog99 Here in Tennessee, I often see people flying confederate flags from their homes and pickup trucks. I also see them on clothes, hats, license plates, and everywhere. The Southern Poverty Law Center tells us that there is a KKK group nearby. It makes me wonder if there really is some movement in the shadows, just waiting for an opportunity to become violent.

@BestWithoutGods I often see people flying confederate flags from their homes and pickup trucks.

I call it mythological heritage. Poor ignorant white people in Dixie want to think they were descended from the wealthy intellectual class that sipped juleps on the veranda and the slaves were so happy to be outside of Africa they sang in the fields all the live long day. Shall we roll our eyes in unison?

For most free people in pre-civil war Dixie, it was a hand to mouth existence on subsistence farms where death from mosquito born disease and starvation were real. I have to say "free" because there were well off blacks and Native Americans who owned slaves.

Got any poor ignorant white people in Tennessee who believe in mythology?

If you haven't seen a Klansman, haven't personally met one -- they don't have much influence in your community. There's racist groups under a ton of different names all over the United States and it's not just whites that join them.

Racism is an equal opportunity employer. Ask any Korean who survived the Watts riots of 1965. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center we also have the Nation of Islam that they say promotes "innate black superiority over whites."

@WonderWartHog99 Tennessee is full of ignorant people who believe in mythology. There's a church on every corner, so to speak. Ugh!

I sometimes ask people who display confederate flags what it means to them. They often tell me that it's just pride in Southern heritage. That's the kind of vague answer I would get from people who are hiding the real purpose of the flag. To me, and to many others, it is a symbol of racism and slavery. 😟

@BestWithoutGods In my high school they didn't the review the autobiography of Fredrick Douglas or slave literature. It might have been in the library but I didn't know about it. Their history of the construction era was about the horrors of former slaves getting in the state legislature, not Jim Crow laws.

Welcome to mythological heritage with students who weren't eager to do outside reading and confront their teachers.

The basic gig about public school is teaching the view the local parents can endorse, i.e. happy slavery.

When HS grads get out in the real world discover most the blacks they rub elbows with aren't like they were they were told about.

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