5 8

It takes a "special" kind of person....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Aug 18
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Definitely Idiots. Don’t ask me to explain.


Be Kind, people. they're just suffering a profound ignorance...

Robecology Level 9 Aug 18, 2019

@ToolGuy The illusion of knowledge - doesn't that define ignorance? They think their beiiefs and feelings are not delusional...but if anyone - they, or you, or me....dig deeply we see the evidence that what they're thinking is delusional.

The problem is - they are comfortable with their delusions. They don't want to "dig deeply".


@ToolGuy I just know my limits and try to expand my knowledge as much as I can. When I see someone say something the contradicts common sense and common knowledge I just can't help but point out how they have it wrong... I don't even mind if someone points it out when I am wrong as long as they can prove it...

Sorry guys...I'm a retired teacher.

I've seen enough D-C effect and Religulous over the years - perhaps I've seen and met too many.

But. I have hope for them.

I think in this day of faster communications, more access than ever to the internet -

I honestly believe that we'll eventually awaken these "sufferers" from their sleep..

I think we have no choice.

We have to awaken folk who think we're "destined" to crash and burn - that it's god's way.

I don't buy don't either....


The extremely sad thing is that this could go on for thousands of pages and not scratch the surface of this MADNESS . Even when we rid ourselves of this Orange Communist Turd in the White House, we will still be Stuck with the 40% Vermin in this Country .
The amount of work and funerals it will take to accomplish this will take generations .

GEGR Level 7 Aug 18, 2019

He is a fascist not a communist....


Yuck 😝

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 18, 2019

Almost sad !!!

Pralina1 Level 9 Aug 18, 2019

The stupid, it hurts!

Wow, these people are so ignorant! Terrible and scary that 40% of the Country believes as these folks do.


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