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Not going to drink sea water anymore

glennlab 10 Sep 25
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And you drank seawater before?

From time to time when swimming, by accident.



ballou Level 8 Sep 25, 2019

Ewww Gross !!!!

freedom41 Level 9 Sep 25, 2019

There's not a lot more to say on this subject.

I've heard enough stand up comedians references to mating whales, whale wangs, whale threesomes (almost required for whales to have sex) and assorted lurid details to know this can turn this discussion into epic length.

It's what a 10 year old would find appealing. However, I haven't seen any 10 year olds on line and if I do, I'll ignore them. QED, I won't be giving the epic tales related to the topic.

Oh, there's more to say but you won't hear it from me.

@WonderWartHog99 Nor from me, so I edit my comment to "There's not much I will say on this subject."


I've never asked that question.

I've always known that drinking seawater can be fatal.
Not to mention, I've always known that fish shit in it.

It's also bad for dogs, too.

KKGator Level 9 Sep 25, 2019
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