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In memory of Columbus day

glennlab 10 Oct 14
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Yup that's right, how christian of them

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 15, 2019

Basically importing the same murderous methods used to convert pagans and non Catholics in Europe. Also North and South America was not the bastion of peace and tranquility revisionists would have you believe.

Having seen the sacrifice alters in central America, i am really aware of the violence that was committed by the natives on themselves.


Conversion... by force! 😡

MojoDave Level 9 Oct 15, 2019

The beginning of the destruction of North and South America .

GEGR Level 7 Oct 15, 2019

The scene after Buddy Hackett destroys a movie theatre in the movie "All Hands on Deck" (1961).... He plays a wealthy American Indian and pays cash in a scene that is memorable because the theatre manager is so impressed he invites him back next week for another movie where "500 Indians get killed" and Hackett's character almost scalps him....


One of my favorite lines in Firesign Theater is the priest saying "domi domi you're all Christians now."

My very favorite is "Bailiff, whack his peepee."


And this was just on the beach.Then remember what they did to the Aztecs.

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