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Censorship saves the day again!

SenorRotten 7 Dec 6
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Thank f**k for censorship!

Livinlife Level 9 Dec 7, 2019

The "star thing" is called an asterisk. It's supposed to stop children from using common vulgarities, which is one of the top first things childern learn. To avoid using vulgarities one often sees a series of symbols in lieu of letters.

Vulgarities are what the largely uneducated use instead of more demanding formal English and discriptive adverbs and adjectives. Use "fuck" often enough, it loses it's effectiveness as a "F bomb." Therefore if one wants to sound educated vulgarities should be avoided and rarely used.

People who don't give a rat's patootie and take pride in identifying the common rabble use vulgarities to excess. Feel free to treat those people poorly because they don't have all that much going for them anyway. If you got to ask what an asterisk is, how bright are you?

We're just having fun, don't like profanity, move on, simple

@SenorRotten I'll be popping open a 11% porter this evening and then I'll lighten up.

BTW, down at the craft beer bar they refer to a 11% porter as a "low gravity dark beer." After a couple of those, I'm mellow. I got enough to share. Shall I be expecting you?

@MichelleGar1 >don't like profanity, move on, simple

Don't like criticism of stupidity and profanity? Move on. Don't act like you value my opinion because I'm making too much sense.

@WonderWartHog99 No, you're not making sense, you sound judgemental and discriminatory. You're coming off as snobish, get over yourself!


@MichelleGar1 > you sound judgemental and discriminatory . . . .

Why, yes I am. I discriminate against ignorant and coarse people. If it pisses them off, so much the better. There's nothing that says I have to like everyone. I write it off if they think I must like everyone. Not that anyone should point out the worthless snits in this world. Just mention the characteristics and they'll wave their hands for you to find them in a crowd.

@WonderWartHog99 LMFucking assO



@MichelleGar1 The ignorant and vulgar are largely unaware the universe is laughing behind their back. They are a fluke in the universe. They have no right to be here.




I have never understood why some people get their panties in a bunch over
I can think of MUCH worse words than "fuck".

KKGator Level 9 Dec 6, 2019
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