We started referring to it as being uncontrollably voluptuous.
I refuse to consider myself uncontrollable, at least about my voluptuousness.
I'm so excited to have different words than fluffy and comfortable to describe my body. I think I'll leave out the oil paint part and emphasize masterpiece. I'm smiling from tooth to tooth (can't get my mouth all the way to my ears).
As the old Maine saying goes "A big barn and a plump wife never did any man harm"
The average life span in the 17th century was shorter than today. Average life expectancy at birth was only 35. Many of the people born died while they were still children. Out of all people born between one third and one half died before the age of about 16. However if you could survive to your mid-teens you would probably live to your 50s or early 60s. Even in Stuart times some people did live to their 70s or 80s. I'm 55....
And Vivaldi lived til he was 60.
So there's that.
I'm enamored to the "well endowed" and the "full-bodied"...but being overweight is directly correlated to more health issues and a shorter life.
Just the facts....
@Robecology I have to say, I have been much happier with gluttony, lust and sloth in the last few years, rather than trying to please others and what they think is best for me. I'd rather die happy than die miserable ... but pretty.
I have that going for me.
Yeah I just think you're being a jerk
@Freespirit64 Uh....oh...name calling...gotcha! Truth hurts, huh? LOL! Try debating without calling names.....
@AtheistInNC You make a good point..."I'd rather die happy"...but that is also my point.
It's simple science...the closer you are to ideal weight, diet, and fitness, the longer you will live, the happier you will die.
Just sayin'.
Don't take offense...either ignore the truth; or gain the discipline.
@EyesThatSmile C'mon, @EyesThatSmile...you met me...you know me better than that.
I want to eat right and stay close to ideal weight....I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't see the "joy" in that....and you know that about me...so I thought!
Do I love the "baroque" "Rubenesque" figure" ? Sure; "more to love" comes to mind...; but I've also seen what happens to gals (and guys) who grow old "keeping" that figure....not a happy thing....
@Robecology I was teasing!
@Robecology "It's simple science...the closer you are to ideal weight, diet, and fitness, the longer you will live, the happier you will die." - I'd like to see the paper where the conclusion is "... the happier you will die." I think you made that up. If you could cite your source, I'll believe you. Also, why is a long life the ideal life? What are you living for? Just to say you reached 80? 90? 100? So what, if you only exist, and you don't contribute to society? Living longer is not a great goal, if all you are doing is saying, " I lived a long time, therefore I win."
However, if how you measure "happy", is weight, diet and fitness, then I agree with you. But, the REAL world has a lot more in it than ideal weight, diet, and fitness. You have shitty neighbors, a boss who sucks and an ill-paying job, a car that is a lemon, and countless other things that get in the way of your ideal "happy" - and our evolutionary biology is to get the reward quickly, not slowly. Eating is a fast fix. The way we handle our real life is individual, and even though you mean well, you paint with a broad brush and your solution is not for everyone. Convince the large food companies to make fresh vegetables and good foods cheaper than a fast food burger, and you will do all of us a favor.
My motto is "It's better to stick a fork in your mouth, than a gun in it."
@EyesThatSmile You got me....but it's so hard to decipher teasing vs commenting. Sorry to have over-reacted.
@AtheistInNC Sorry to have offended you. You're right; it's more of a personal credo that's evolved in me as a science, and health teacher and coach. Eat well...enjoy your self. All I'm saying is that fitness and diet - if balanced....can lead to a longer, happier life.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsGive yourself credit.
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Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.