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Pet all the animals!!

scurry 9 Jan 17
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I Love them All !

GEGR Level 7 Jan 18, 2020

Me too. Even the ones that scare me.


That hamster's look....!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Jan 17, 2020

I've read several articles describing how skunks and prairie dog rescues can make the most excellent pets.

I've heard that about skunks.


If you pet a python he'll want to give you a hug.

ChurchLess Level 7 Jan 17, 2020

I would not pet a frog or toad but all others not a problem. I scuba dived with some one who chased a smallish shark to give it a pat. The poor shark was trying to get away.

Budgie Level 8 Jan 17, 2020

I used to "collect'" frogs in my younger years.
Go out on a little raft catch them by hand and collect them in a bucket, bring them back to show my Mom and/or Dad (whoever I could find) then let them all go.
I used to say I was Frog Hunting... Big ones, little ones... That's how I learned the big frogs will eat little frogs. Ha ha.

@scurry I have a phobia when it come to amphibians so that would be a bucket of nightmares right there.

@Budgie. Aye yai yai. Sorry about that. While I don't share that particular phobia, I do have my own, so I am sorry for paintng that image. I am now super happy that I went with the puppet version of a frog instead of the real thing.


Nope! Don’t like dogs, skunks or rodents of any kind. I am just a cat person.



Pepi is not a lover. lol

glennlab Level 10 Jan 17, 2020

Tell that to the Kits. LOL

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