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Does anyone know how many other countries cite God to invoke patriotism in the pledges, anthems, etc.?

Oscar_C 5 Jan 29
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Ireland is pro-European Union with all its liberal agendas so the only ones advocation a return to a combination of religion and patriotism are the hard-right.

brentan Level 8 Jan 29, 2020

Canada does. In both official languages. Arrgh!

I don't know our pledge of allegiance either. I think it is used for citizenship ceremonies so one might look it up in information for immigrants. No doubt, it contains a pledge of allegiance to the Queen as well. As for the national anthem, if you don't sing it because you don't like national anthems, fair enough. If you don't sing because it is theist, take a look at I am currently working to get the local school board to play instrumental versions only at schools and to allow students to memorize the SCS version if they are assigned O Canada as memory work.


The original pledge was written by Francis Julius Bellamy a Baptist minister and socialist....


It was officially added on Flag Day, June 14, 1954. The impetus was a sermon given by Presbyterian minister Charles Docherty, who said, “If you deny the Christian ethic, you fall short of the American ideal of life.”
I was in Toastmasters for many years. We would begin every meeting with the pledge. I simply omitted the offending words. I wasn't alone. The room got a bit quieter for that second and a half.

Ludo Level 7 Jan 29, 2020

This is how I learned it....I think 1953 was when McCarthy's shenanigans wedged in the "under god" and I distinctly remember most of the teachers being very upset by the intrusion of religion into state business. Because back then education emphasized how & why we had separation!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Jan 29, 2020

When citing the Pledge, I always leave out the "under god" hogwash. Sometimes I just pause and lower my hand while the others say it, and sometimes I keep going with "indivisible" while the others say "under god," and I finish before they do. 🙂

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