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When magic turns your rod in to a snake......

BDair 8 Feb 7
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1 guys with rods and pistons, and spark plugs, and timing chains, and valves, and transmissions...gotta feel sorry for ya!

When you're ready for a safer, faster, quieter, simpler vehicle that won't need one tenth the maintenance - get in touch...

Thanks for the video. It certainly makes more sense to use a machine that goes round and round to make wheels go round and round. Instead of converting energy from things going up and down into make things go round and round.

BTW; If you are ready for an hour or two of serious fun - finding out about Teslas...for free; go here;


@BDair ....and I never even mentioned; that not only is the car energy source far cleaner than gasoline (yes, even coal burning power plants burn coal more efficiently than your fossil fuel car) but you can charge the car while it rests overnight. Many don't realize that a regular outlet - 120 volt - is all you need. 220 volt goes from 12 to 18 MPH charge (depending on amperage) If you have a dryer outlet in your garage; you're set to get 150 miles per night (10hours charge time @15 MPH charge rate. At a typical $.10 to $0.25 cents a kWH...each KWH gives you 3.5 miles - so that's a cost equivalent of $1 dollar to $2.50 for 35 miles...still cheaper than gas.

Oh...don't forget...coal is down to 25% in the US....35% in the world. My Tesla's nuclear powered. No CO2 at all.


A bent crank shaft will get the same result.


now that's a verse I can believe in

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