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Hages 7 Oct 27
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These retards who think that Roe v. Wade will EVER be over turned, are stupid beyond belief!! If R v. W ever got reversed, it would set America and our 100% corrupted legal system on fire!! Why, do you ask? Well pull the other half of your brain out if its rectal storage area and think about it for just one minute. R v. W allowed the murder of unborn babies in wholesale numbers, right? And there is NO statute of limitations on the act of murder. It follows you to your grave!! So the instant R v. W gets reversed, we would have to go back to pre-1973 rulings, verdicts, decisions, etc on the subject of murder and people who are accessories to murder both before and after the fact. Do you see where this is going yet? Let me spell it out a bit more for the ones at the back of the classroom here. EVERY man or woman who had anything at all to do with performing an abortion in any way, shape or form, would be instantly open to murder charges being leveled at them!! Every woman who had an abortion, every doctor and nurse or other medical technician who had anything to do with those murders, would all be culpable for the death of an unborn baby!!
Just think of how many hospitals, women, doctors, nurses, etc would be involved there! The cases would tie up the legal system from here on out! Who would get to say which murder cases would be prosecuted, and which ones would be allowed to slide on by? What would give them that power and authority? What would the criteria be to make those decisions, if the legal system is supposed to be fair and just for all??
The USSC in 1973 gave up even the pretense of its members being any smarter than the rest of us when they passed down that most infamous decision of all time. They exposed themselves as being even LESS than the average man or woman in society in all ways; meaning intelligence, compassion, morality, ethics, foresight, honesty, virtuousness and several other things too. They made us into a society of emotion driven and unthinking animals.

Logician Level 7 Oct 27, 2020

Just asking here, but wouldn't they be grandfathered? Meaning they couldn't be prosecuted before the law was passed?


Hell, no!!!! 😟

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