7 29

Lmao.. this one brought me to tears... who ever created this one.. genius~

mistymoon77 9 Jan 22
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Bernie was fucked over twice 2016 2020 WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US fucked over in 19 states so Atheists who are not xian must be kept out of the White House by fake elections


I....don't get it. 😟 im not good with memes...

MakeItGood Level 7 Jan 24, 2021

Did you watch the VP debates? Its in reference to that. Only better.

@mistymoon77 I...did not. Guess I missed one more cultural reference.

@altschmerz I watched it in real time. I bet it took everything in Kamela's power not to start smirking or laughing.. Not sure I could of sat there with a straight face when that happened.

@altschmerz whoa. Aren't flies a sign of the devil satan and what not?


Pence is a real Faithfool.


Pence sold his soul thinking Trump would die and he would ascend. oops

glennlab Level 10 Jan 23, 2021

The problem with Pence is that has neither soul, nor compassion, nor the ability to think.

@anglophone in fairness, he did show some class at inauguration

@anglophone Yep, Typical traits of Fairy believers.


Poor Bernie...

racocn8 Level 9 Jan 23, 2021

Poor! Bernie is an American icon!

I mean being portrayed as a fly.


So funny and I hope that Pence finally realized what a POS he gave his loyalty to for 4 years.

Surfpirate Level 9 Jan 22, 2021

Imo, Pence lacks the mental capacity to realize that.

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