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He's gonna use the Bible as evidence, but no word if he plans to call any of the key players as witnesses.

jeshuey 8 Mar 23
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If I remember my history correctly, it was the actual Roman Empire that executed the fictional Jesus.

BitFlipper Level 8 Mar 23, 2021

Well, I guess there is no real Statute of Limitations for murder, but, he was "lawfully" charged, tried & convicted under the laws & terms of that time. Let's face it, he was a rabble rouser & charlatan, if nothing else. The punishment may have been over the top, but, he made his cross, I guess he had to hang on it!

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 23, 2021

So much good to do in the world and another person trys to milk the system in his favour,if he wins where does the money go to the families of those deceased which probably mean the church would intervene and claim it all as theres

RoyMillar Level 9 Mar 23, 2021

Does this mean I can pursue a lawsuit against England for the wrongful death of Joan of Arc?
Her story arc is interesting.



Now that I know this, I have so much more respect for Israel and Italy

dermot235 Level 7 Mar 23, 2021

Wait a minute. Didn't God decide his son Jesus had to die?

@dermot235 All part of the "Divine & Mysterious Plan".

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