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Based on another post I saw earlier! 🙄

MichelleGar1 9 Apr 27
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This post is troubling for a number of reasons:

Mammal reproduction is a pretty simple process. I grew up on a farm, and at the age of 7, after watching cattle reproduce, dogs reproduce, and getting a look at the magazines hidden under my dad's mattress, I had a pretty good idea how it all worked.

Even for those who did not grow up on a farm, someone of average intelligence who has completed a high school sex education course knows all the important steps and processes involved in human reproduction.

Most of the controversial questions are not an issue of medical knowledge, they are an issues of ethics or policy. For example:

  1. Should 1st trimester abortions be allowed?
  2. Should 2nd trimester abortions be allowed?
  3. Should 3rd trimester abortions be allowed?
  4. Should abortion laws be different for embryos and fetuses conceived by rape? by incest?
  5. Should abortion laws be different for embryos and fetuses with genetic defects?
  6. Should taxpayers fund abortions in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester?
  7. Should taxpayers fund abortions for embryos and fetuses conceived by rape? by incest?
  8. Should taxpayers fund abortions for embryos and fetuses with genetic defects?
  9. What are the rights of embryos conceived by IVF?
  10. Should taxpayers provide free contraception to anyone who wants it?

Doctors don't have any particular specialized knowledge that makes them better able to answer these policy questions or ethics questions, and doctors don't agree on the answers to these questions.

BD66 Level 8 Apr 27, 2021

Old White conservative men have no right to make ANY decision in these matters.... Woman's body woman's choice. Anything else implies "ownership" and slavery is outlawed in the US no matter how much the GQP wants to bring it back.... We literally fought a war over this and should NEVER have to fight it again.

As for your religiously motivated political talking points being disguised by stupid financial arguments that would actually cost taxpayers more money I will answer the following by number...

  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. Yes
  4. No
  5. No
  6. Yes
  7. Yes and then collect the money with interest from the rapist or relative who raped her...
  8. Yes
  9. None
  10. Fuck yes because it lessens the chance of a woman needing an abortion so you defeat your own purpose in lessening the number of abortions. Arguments against birth control are pro-slavery arguments and anyone who thinks "purity rings and other religitard nonsense works should talk to a proctologist or their local free clinic about how many abortions are being preformed on 13 to 16 year old Baptist and Catholic girls from anti-abortion and no sex before marriage families...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz This statement "Old White conservative men have no right to make ANY decision in these matters" represents one of the most dangerous attitudes of the left in the USA today. When a government sets a policy, all citizens have the right to express their opinions, and elect representatives who agree with them. That's one of the most basic principles of our democracy. As far as policy goes, I much more in agreement with you than I am with people who make religiously motivated decisions, but they should still be entitled to express their opinions and engage in debate on this issue and any other issue:

Here are my opinions on those difficult questions:

  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. No, if you can induce labor, and the fetus would live on its own, it's not abortion, it's murder.
  4. No
  5. I would allow 3rd trimester abortions for a fetus with certain genetic defects.
  6. Yes for the first two trimesters.
  7. Yes and then collect the money with interest from the rapist or relative who raped her...makes sense to me.
  8. Yes
  9. None (In general I agree, but there are more nuanced issues as far as incubation of the embryos and how their tissue is used.)
  10. I agree with you that it's good policy, and for the same reason I favor abortions in the 1st and 2nd trimesters. We don't want more children brought into the world who are not wanted. It costs a whole lot less for the government to provide free contraception and 1st and 2nd trimester abortions than it does to incarcerate and/or care for a person who was not raised properly because his or her mother (and father) did not want to bring him or her into the world.

@BD66 You have no right to any say in the matter it is NOT your body.... Your opinions are irrelevant... Your idea that only "old White men" should have rights to decide anything is not just idiocy it is treason...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz You have expressed your opinions. But I don't have the right to express my opinions? You lefties are becoming truly terrifying.

@altschmerz I made it through the first 1/3 or so of the article. Many of his arguments are complete nonsense. Here are the notes I took at the beginning:

>>> Of course, the short answer is, no, abortion is not murder. In most cases it’s a legal medical procedure. A necessary one even.

His argument makes no sense. Where abortions are illegal, it's murder, where abortions are legal it's not murder?

>>>>>Although they seem to suggest they want abortion to be classified as a form of murder, I’ve never seen any logical, moral, or philosophical arguments given to make that case.

Here's one. After 6 months, if you induce labor, the child that is born is almost certain to live. If you choose to kill a human being that could live on it's own (without anything from the mother), I believe that to be murder.

>>>>>First, in law there is no legal precedent for this strange usurping of an adult’s rights by an unborn fetuses rights since children’s rights are, and always have been, limited by the law until they become legal adults.

Again, 100% false in places where abortions are illegal, they are usurping an adult's rights in favor of an unborn fetus's rights.

>>>>>After all, in order to make a claim that their rights have been violated, they need to face their accuser in a court of law, and this can’t happen.

They don't need to, even in the case of a 13 year old child, someone else will make those accusations in a court of law on the child's behalf.

>>>> Even though we can all probably agree that a lot more work needs to be done in this area, the clear fact of the matter is, you cannot expect a fetus’s legal rights to outstrip the mother’s when those rights, in point of fact, have not been clearly or concisely defined.

They have been clearly and concisely defined in the past in the USA, and they are clearly and concisely defined in many other countries today.

>>>>In fact, we probably shouldn’t expect an unborn fetus’s rights to even be comparable to a child’s, but, perhaps, that is a debate is better left up to the legal experts

If the fetus could live without the mother, the fetus should have the same legal rights as a child that has been born.

>>>> My point in all this is essentially this: this legal problem of defining the unborn fetus’s legal standing within society has NEVER been fully or adequately addressed by the pro-life side.

Again 100% false. It was fully addressed prior to Roe vs. Wade, and it is fully addressed today in many other countries.

>>>> The best they have come up with is to make the woman into property, give the state control over her body and reproductive choices, and punish the mother – because all she is, is chattel after all – when she fails to abide by the reproductive guidelines forced upon her and which do not consider her best interests as a mother or human being.

This is the hyperbole. The best way is to make a woman responsible for her actions. If she conceives a child and gestates the child to the point where the child could live on its own, she should have the responsibility to carry the child to term.


U.S. One Of Only Seven Countries That Allows Elective Abortions After 20 Weeks


@altschmerz I'm in agreement with you. Once a genetically sound defect free baby hits the 3rd trimester, the mother should be obligated to carry it to term. Serious genetic defects should be a valid reason for a third trimester abortion. That's the position most rational countries have adopted, but here in the USA, we have radical extremist voices on both sides who make it impossible to reach that consensus.


And so it seems Gov. Douchebag of Arizona has just signed a bill to make abortion of any fetus for being genetically defective a "Class 6 Felony..." Seems the GQP is desperate for more voters and the only ones voting for them are mentally defective....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I don't know which emoji's to react to. 😔🙄😲🤣😠

@MichelleGar1 How about this one?...


I couldn’t agree more and I’m frustrated and exhausted with the medical community because there’s a lot of gate keeping designated specifically to be obstacles to trans people.
I sort of get the gate keeping if we’re talking about trans youth but for gods sake why put adults through the red tape just to get hormone replacement therapy. It’s not required by the state of California but endocrinologist out here still require WPATH add pandemic and you’ll see my dilemma.
Yet despite all my issues I trust the cis WPATH wielding Nazi endocrinologist over male talking heads and legislators.

@Willow_Wisp I'm sorry you're going through this. I hope this situation gets better and all people are acknowledged as that human beings.

@MichelleGar1 It is what it is. Many have it far far worse. I’m not trying to be dramatic, I’m just especially sick of being Trans-parent. I’m too far in to keep silent as the fascist have their missiles locked on Trans for no rational reason.

@Willow_Wisp It's horrible! I don't understand all this hate! Thing's sometimes moves forward then something happens and we're back to square one. We need to get rid of the old, bigoted and backwards thinking people in politics. It's scary time's!


In that case I have nothing to say...

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 27, 2021

@phxbillcee Thank you! I saw a post on here by some douchebag thinking he knows more than health professionals, made me 🙄! I figured he's probably a republican and, well you know the rest!

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