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mistymoon77 9 May 23
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Really fucked up person

bobwjr Level 10 May 24, 2021

Good thing people like this are in the minority and their numbers are dropping even further. They are totally clueless and, except for the genormous car living in the middle ages.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 24, 2021

COVID seems to be taking its toll because they refuse to get vaccinated...


I must admit I felt the same way when agent orange was elected


Mental illness is a terrible thing to witness!


So much idiocy in so few words


Democrats began acknowledging Trump’s electoral-vote victory in 2016 within hours after it became clear. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who won the popular vote, called Trump on election night to congratulate him and offered to work with him. She also urged her supporters to accept the results and "look to the future."

"Donald Trump is going to be our president," Clinton said during her concession speech the morning of Nov. 9. "We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power. And we don’t just respect that, we cherish it."

The Democratic National Committee’s interim chair, Donna Brazile, referred to Trump as the president-elect in a Nov. 9 statement and congratulated him on his win.

Yet the Republicans called ALL non Republicans Snowflakes.

Now in it's 2021 and almost seven months since the election and Republicans are still whining and crying about it.

Project much Republican Snowflakes?

I think many of us forget all the whining and crying about the 12 years that Obama was the real president (not the faux albeit short period of tRump).

@JackPedigo I think you mean 8 years.

@Willow_Wisp Oops yes. But, thinking about it the 4 years of tRump were really reminders of all the things Obama did that tRump tried to overturn. Obama was still on certain people's minds.

That's how intelligent, mature, sophisticated people act. Trump is none of those.


I see him going into a dark alley in his future and not coming out of it.

freedom41 Level 9 May 24, 2021

This is why you don't want to smoke meth...

Or snort it. You put a little in liquid and drink it. It won't fuck up your lungs or your sinuses. 😊

@Sticks48 Just your brain....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz My brain is fine. As with most things...moderation is key.

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