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It's pie for me

glennlab 10 Oct 14
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I've reached the stage in life, where I've realized I don't need the cake to have the frosting...

Also, I agree: pie is better, and pumpkin pie is a meal.

scurry Level 9 Oct 14, 2021

Definitely pies or doughnuts, for me, but otherwise YES!


Chocolate everyone it's chocolate for every day satisfaction.

Lorajay Level 9 Oct 14, 2021

Not a fan of cake unless it starts with cheese.

I'm much more of a berry pie than cake person.

@glennlab I like all kinds of pie. I’ve made French apple, peach, pear, pecan, blackberry, raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, key lime, lemon, Boston and banana cream from scratch. Cherry, pumpkin and mincemeat from can. I enjoyed them all.

Mmmmmmm.... Cheesecake!


I love Cherry Pie....

nicknotes Level 8 Oct 14, 2021

Is this the euphemistic "cherry pie" or the literal "cherry pie"?
Asking for a friend. 😉

@scurry I would have thought hair pie but that's just me.

@SnowyOwl Yikes. Not sure if that's the best euphemism ever, but the thought made me gag, which, I suppose should be expected on some point.
Cherry Pie is now Way More appealing.
(even though you don't peel the cherries, making Apple pie more appropriate... at least the dude from American Pie agrees.)

@scurry I'm guessing you don't like eating raw oysters, all salty and sweet, either. 😀

@SnowyOwl Welp, not a huge fan, but all euphemisms aside, i just have an aversion to hair in my food...

@scurry I wasn't aware of any other meaning for cherry pie. I like those small cherry pies you can buy in wal mart

@scurry, @SnowyOwl Well sure...I love eating pussy

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