That's so fucked up! LMAO
I really did feel horrible, but I can't stop laughing hahaha
@Livinlife I know! So wrong but yet so funny! LMAO
I suppose only people subjected to rear penis entry can claim this sort of black humor as their own much like Eldredge Cleaver declared : " Let them call me MR Nigger " .....the photographed person is probably over 7 feet tall
@GreenAtheist LMAO!!!
@MichelleGar1 how appropo to laugh your ASS off
@GreenAtheist exactly! Lol
@MichelleGar1 I have a virgin anus and with zero vagina I just can't imagine what it's like to be a saddle to any cowboy bucking into me LIKING IT IS A WHOLE OTHER BALLGAME
@GreenAtheist if you find yourself wanting to find out and find yourself a woman who likes to experiment! Lol
Like I told go, I felt bad about this one haha
@Livinlife What did I do THIS time?!?!
@phxbillcee "Go = Bill". She was just feeling badly AGAIN. lol
Here's the bleach!
@RavenCT I wish "Go = Bill", I wouldn't be alone tonight, again!
Or, throw a Russian flag over her face & fuck her for revenge? Or, better yet, start a "go Fund Me" for surgery!
I felt bad about this one LOL
@Livinlife As well you should!
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