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It takes longer to cleanup than up, poor Joe's had less than a year to fix 4 years of destruction.

glennlab 10 Dec 30
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Low Unemployment, Low Gas Prices, and Low Inflation is a mess?

BD66 Level 8 Dec 30, 2021

most job losses in any admistration since Hoover is low unemployment

@glennlab I'm talking Feb 2020. Do you hold Trump responsible for Covid-19?

@BD66 Yess he was stil in office until 2021.

@glennlab How do you believe Trump could have maintained full employment through the Covid-19 crisis?

@BD66 How can you not blame the person in charge when disaster struck and he was unprepared? He was in office from Jan2017-Jan 2021. if you can't accept that, then sorry.

@glennlab Trump was not elected to prepare for pandemics. The CDC has been around since 1946. The NIH has been around since 1887. The DHS has been around since 2002. Their missions are literally to control disease, protect the public health, and secure our homeland respectively. All three agencies were completely totally hopelessly unprepared. They had no stockpile of masks. They had no plan in place for quarantine facilities at our ports of entry. This incompetence spanned multiple Democratic and Republican Administrations. Do you hold the other 237 Heads of State around the world responsible for the spread of Covid-19 within their countries?

@BD66 We were prepared for a pandemic, he disassembled the all the preparations that had been done by the previous administrations, do your research before you spout off. Trump sold off ALL the prepositioned stockpiles of PPE and failed to respond or accept help that slowed the response to the pandemic. You need to take off your rose colored glasses and and remember ther person in charge when a disaster strikes is the one held responsible whether it is fair or not. In this case not only was he responsible, but he made it worlds worse.

The WHO offered the US their test, he turned it down which set testing back at least six weeks, He failed to enact the emergency powers that would have cut down the spread as well as provide the equipment to battle the disease.

Trump was elected to lead the nation in all phases and pandemic preparation is right up there with planning for conventional and nuclear war.

@glennlab Let's do a little fact checking:

We were prepared for a pandemic, he disassembled the all the preparations that had been done by the previous administrations, do your research before you spout off.

>>> The NSC during the Obama administration grew to about 250 professionals, according to Trump’s current national security adviser, Robert O’Brien. The staff has been cut to about 110 or 115 staffers, he said.

>>> During the Obama Administration, we had the CDC, the NIH, the DHS, and 250 people in the National Security Council directorate. Trump cut that to the CDC, the NIH, the DHS, and 110-115 people in the National Security Council directorate

>>> That's quite different from "disassembled all the preparations"

>>> If you ask the woman who assembled the National Security Council directorate, she said:

   It’s impossible to assess the impact of the 2018 decision to disband the unit

Trump sold off ALL the prepositioned stockpiles of PPE and failed to respond or accept help that slowed the response to the pandemic.

>>>> I can't find a single reference for this, and it seems extremely unlikely. When has a President ever sold medical equipment? US companies were selling medical equipment:
>>>>>American companies sold more than $17.5 million worth of face masks, more than $13.6 million in surgical garments and more than $27.2 million in ventilators to China during the first two months of the year.
>>>> That's how the free market works. When there is a demand for masks and ventilators in China, US companies try to sell them in China. When there is a demand for masks in the USA, US companies try to sell them in the USA.
>>> How was Trump involved in selling stockpiles of masks?


You need to take off your rose colored glasses and and remember ther person in charge when a disaster strikes is the one held responsible whether it is fair or not.

>>> The media sources you listen to hold Trump in charge for what happened during Covid-19, but is it fair to hold Trump more responsible than the 237 other heads of state or the 50 governors who were making decisions for their citizens?

In this case not only was he responsible, but he made it worlds worse.

The WHO offered the US their test, he turned it down which set testing back at least six weeks, He failed to enact the emergency powers that would have cut down the spread as well as provide the equipment to battle the disease.

Trump was elected to lead the nation in all phases and pandemic preparation is right up there with planning for conventional and nuclear war.

@BD66 What part of he was in office from Jan2017 to Jan2021 and responsible for everything that happened on his watch. You can shift blam,e and close your eyes, but the president of the US is the most powerful person on earth. I don't have the time or inclination to look up every reference that I have read over the past 2 years,and I know from past discussions with you that it would be pissing in the wind since you just google and don't evben bother to read the articles that you reference.

@glennlab Well, let's look a the numbers. Trump was in office until January 2021. Covid-19 hit everyone (including the Trump Administration) as a huge surprise. The highest number of Covid-19 cases was 307k in a single day. Biden came into office 13 months after Covid-19 became a health threat. Biden has been in office for 11+ month. How many Covid cases did we have yesterday? 572K. That's almost twice as many as the worst day we ever had when Trump was in office. If you are going to hold Trump responsible for the 307K cases in January 2021, you must hold Biden responsible for the 572K cases we had yesterday.

@BD66 It was only a surprise if you had your head up your ass or were lying, based on the interviews that Trump gave, he knew it was coming and did nothing so your premiss that it caught him by surprise is false.

@glennlab Trump had maybe 2 months to prepare for Covid, and the worst things got was 307K cases in one day. The Democrats had 1 year to prepare for Covid, they have had control of the federal government for the past 11 months, and there were 572K cases yesterday. Doesn't Trump's incompetence pale in comparison to the Democrat's incompetence?

@BD66 Trump was the king of incompetence. He was briefed on the disease as early as August and knew it was going to be bad. HE DID NOTHING except to authorize the depletion of our prepositioned PPE. He refused help from the WHO farther delaying a response.

But the original premise was that he presided over the largest job loss since Hoover. I believe that you have provided no proof that that is not correct. You can make all the arguments that other factors came into play and make a ton of excuses, but the responsiblity is still his.

Trump lost the popular vote twice, lost the elctorial vote once, and is the only president to have been impeached twice. Great hero for you to defend.


He is just taking longer with Republicans and two Democrat defectives

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 30, 2021

Can he just get all the Trump appointments out?

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