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Who else despises self checkout?

glennlab 10 July 26
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I will not use self-checkout. If they don’t have enough humans running checkouts, I abandon my cart. Hell, just two weeks ago, I left the market because they had it all rung up and THEN they told me they didn’t have any paper bags…the FIRST THING I said to the cashier was, “I would like paper bags, please”. From now on, I will check to see if they have paper bags before I start to shop. I will not compromise my values just to save a little time. Prices did not go down when self-checkout was instituted, and waiting time increased.

KateOahu Level 8 July 28, 2022

I don't mind, but I also don't typically have a huge cart of groceries and, like @Lorajay mentioned, I like them bagged properly which seems to be a lost art.

I'm ambivalent about the way check-out clerks have come to represent the "save jobs" position. It's a crappy job where, particularly in the states, we don't give them frequent breaks or even allow them to sit while working (other countries provide a stool), and they aren't being dramatic by wearing those braces - carpel tunnel is a painful and frequent side effect of the job. Technology should improve the lot of humans, and self-checkout can be done properly so customers aren't inconvenienced and workers are treated with dignity. The stations should be manned by human assistants, and there should always be manual stations for those who prefer it.

Lauren Level 8 July 27, 2022

When my teenage granddaughter is with me, we use self-checkout. She enjoys it. When I am alone, I enjoy the interactions with the teller.

Spinliesel Level 9 July 27, 2022

While I don't like using the "self checkout" unless I only have a few items, I use it when the checker's line is too long. We have a shortage of workers, so it just helps everyone out to help myself, even though I'm not very adept at it. Poor overseer usually has to help me with some product in my basket that needs a personal override - caffeine, nail polish remover or alcohol. I love it how they always put in their own birthdates, making me decades younger!

Julie808 Level 8 July 27, 2022

the less interaction I have with humans the better. dogs? bring them on.

miklthetaz Level 6 July 27, 2022

I have very mixed emotions about this issue. I hate the idea of taking anyone's job but I like to put my stuff in my own sack where I want it.

Lorajay Level 9 July 27, 2022

When I was designing computing systems I put a lot of people out of their jobs. My perspective had always been that I'm allowing those people to devote their attention to more important things, things that you need humans for. And for the most part I was correct.

BitFlipper Level 8 July 26, 2022

My headache is fruit that is priced by a PLU#, but also has a barcode on the bottom of the bag. I set the bag on the screen and the machine starts complaining. Loudly. The distress that goes with the experience has gone a long way to program me not to put the bag down.

BitFlipper Level 8 July 26, 2022

There is ALWAYS one item that requires a person, always.....

AnneWimsey Level 9 July 26, 2022

especially when you scan an item and then place it in the bag. then the machine screams "unexpected item". which of course requires a human to look and count your items and then over ride the stupid machine.


I have no problem with them. Saves money on labor and reduces cost so prices should be cheaper.

Trajan61 Level 8 July 26, 2022

Investing in FEWER American jobs.

RussRAB Level 8 July 26, 2022

Unfortunately, there are a few stores that have these isles and no one there to help you. Since there is always one person to help four customers, it is hard to just walk through the line. Something I would not do. Though I do think about it.
I figure that if the store owners do not have the respect for their customers to have a check out person, I do not have to shop there, though on some items I do not have a choice.


Hate them, won't use them.
If there is not a person serving, they do not get my business


I love them. Gets me out way faster and I can steal a ton of bags when I need them.


Wife and I do not care for them .My nearest Home Depot does not even have one cashier you have no choice to use these things.

richiegtt Level 8 July 26, 2022

Trumpster owner!


Self checkouts are a horrible idea but it goes along with the retail business model that has very few actual employees and has the product suppliers do the work of stocking and rotating the shelves as well as being responsible for any costs related to no hassle returns.

SnowyOwl Level 8 July 26, 2022
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