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Christian Nationalism is the belief that America should be governed according to the whims of invisible spirits and the priests who listen to them.
Yes, it's totally insane.
We need to start saying that part out loud. It's insane.

CliffordCook 6 Oct 12
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Nationalism is more dangerous than religion. Religion has been used as a tool by the wealthy self interest groups for centuries.


Richard Dawkins said nationalism is more dangerous than religion. A least religion have some good rules, too bad they are the worst hypocrites. My arts and nature is my center in life. The arts has been the greatest influenced for humanity for alot longer than political, military and religious. Because life has more chaos than any Centroism group could imagine handling. If the word God is not in the US constitution , why can't the Americans overthrow their justicecation, maybe because it's an injustice system.
Christian nationism belongs to American society is not predicated on what faith one practices or whether someone is religious obviously harmful used in war. Jan
6th one cop died a day after the riot, the rest of the damaged were within the crowd. Wail it gets more attention than the millions of women and children are killed by the US patriot games and war racket, so where are those rules?.
Christian nationalism undergirds a number of threats to religious freedom, including anti-Muslim bigotry, anti-Semitism, and government-sponsored religion. I stay out of both conflicting insanity of Centroism.

In Christianity, we don't have to differentiate between nationalism and religion. In Christianity, the two are inextricably combined, and have been from the start.


It wasn't that ways with America in the start . When they moved from UK to get away from religion and with the American natives formed an American constitution. Which is very well written, too bad its trashed and broken too often by the wealthy and Government.


Some say he is the world champion of atheist.


I have no time for any fool, dimwit or cretin who goes around bleating about the existence of his fictional God, and that God should be the guiding light that governs America.

anglophone Level 9 Oct 13, 2022

Also, the racism that claims that Aryans or other white people as being superior have absolutely no basis in fact. Racism is chest-thumping, raw hatred, and yes, insanity.

racocn8 Level 9 Oct 13, 2022

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