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Mind your words???

OpposingOpposum 9 May 3
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The second one is a work of art

Livinlife Level 9 May 3, 2018

Agreed. From the cuntiest, cunt that ever cunted!?

@Emme cunt- inue being you!


Sure, beautiful, just fucking beautiful!

LEPeff Level 8 May 3, 2018

Yup! Talk to the hand?

Emme Level 7 May 3, 2018
Vipyr82 Level 7 May 3, 2018

Probably beautiful to a radical butch Lesbian ?


No Comment! Lol ?

Coldo Level 8 May 3, 2018

So... yes?

Anemynous Level 7 May 3, 2018

....eye of the beholder.

Hey! Nice shirt,Boss.

@Blindbird Very 'fetching'!


And this is why we get along so well! LOL
Oh, and fuck ya!

KKGator Level 9 May 3, 2018

I find this greatly amusing for many reasons. People outside the US use this word freely and it is widely accepted- in the US it is largely verboten, use of it shocks people and the user may be ostracised. Having been around many from outside the US I have no issue hearing or using it as it is like fuck and can be used so diversely.

zorialoki Level 8 May 3, 2018

Idk ,
I'm the cuntiest cunt that ever cunted?

@Emme One should be proud to be an outstanding cunt. I wish I was that good at being a fucking cunt

I DO say cunt often and gleefully offend MANY?


Hahahaha!! I don't have an internal dialogue really but mostly it is sighs or those soft exhales with the lips pursed! Like just what the fucks. lol. I would be covered in "WTF".

Nickbeee Level 8 May 3, 2018

So you'd look like this?

@Blindbird Yes with more WTF's !!!!!! lol

@Blindbird I might think I ate some bad acid if I woke up and saw myself like that in the mirror

Those are pretty WTFs?

@Emme they are indeed. I wouldn't suggest bad tats for @Nickbeee

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