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those numbers appear to be just for mass shootings? The numbers for all shootings are much worse:

4th Of July Shootings Across The Country Killed More Than 180 People
July 6, 20215:54 AM ET

fwiw, my view has always been that government at its core is an agreement among people to not hold themselves above the law, but to agree to laws, and to put enforcement of this into the hands of a mutually agreed government. I think in government philosophy this is discussed as the principle of the government having a monopoly on the use of force.

Anyway, that's my reasoning for advocating for better gun control and ultimate for turning most weapons in.

kmaz Level 7 July 6, 2021


Thanks. interesting looking database. Good on the volunteer work.

I lived in Chicago for awhile, a long time ago, and when I first got there I was so offended by the violence there that I wrote a letter to the editor of at least one of the major media outlets. I don't remember if it was just TV, but I seem to remember watching a newscast one night and hearing some of my comments being read back by the commentator.

I hate to say it, but one of the things that came across to me was that it seemed to me a lot of this was in the black community and a lot of top-level political decisions were made in the predominantly white community, and I was not confident that decision makers were motivated to take action as the murder issue did not impact their community directly. I do think there was some racism in this.

Another thing that came across is that for each murder there is the victim, and then there is the perpetrator who will, for the rest of their lives, have to live with it, and probably ultimately end up in prison or dead. In the face of these and other grotesque aspects of that whole situation, at the time it seemed best to speak up, and it still does, and I admire your own efforts on that point.

The reason I mention the monopoly on violence philosophic principle, although it may come across as a non-sequiteur conversation-killer, is that I've come to the view that this is the principle that is being ignored by the the right-wing opponents of gun control.


Got to keep up that average, doncha know?

mcgeo52 Level 8 July 6, 2021

That's a decent night here.

Secretguy Level 7 July 5, 2021

This insanity must stop now

bobwjr Level 10 July 5, 2021

There are No Words for this travesty any longer....

Charlene Level 9 July 5, 2021
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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

Posted by TejasAnti trump pistol. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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