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The majority of the second ammenment supporters (judging by comments made) believe a heavily armed society is a polite society. This is not what the second ammenment is about. To me, it fully proves too many gun nuts are thugs and support vigilantism. guns were/are not an alternative to the of law and law enforcement.

Kojaksmom 8 July 1
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I might ask them why is being polite more important than not getting shot?

dare2dream Level 7 July 2, 2018

And an armed society is not a polite society. Since reducing regulations on guns wichita has had more shootings than ever.

And then everybody lives in fear ,and then everybody thinks they need to have a gun. it's a vicious cycle.


Again, they believe what they want to believe. History has proven over and over again that an armed society is a violent one. Only a complete fool would believe otherwise.

JackPedigo Level 9 July 1, 2018

unfortunately the supreme has ruled their interpretation on the second amendment is correct despite the minutes from this hardly discussed amendment was clearly about states rights to raise an militia. It was one of the least debated amendments

JesseBoren Level 7 July 1, 2018

The ruling left open the door for regulations.

@JackPedigo This needed to be said. Thanks


A heavily armed society will never be a polite society.


The second amendment came about because of the lack of a standing army combined with the fear of slave rebellions. It had nothing to do with personal freedom and everything to do with keeping Africans enslaved.

Pete01938 Level 6 July 1, 2018

Not just, but among other things, yes. We had just spent 8 years a war and that was a part of it, but that was army size not personal protection.


Well stated. While visiting Jefferson Memorial in DC I found this on the wall.

I read the Thomas Jefferson believed that every generation the constitution needed to be amended as things change. So far the only real change occurred because of the civil war. The time for a major overhaul is way overdue. Part of the problem is the onerous procedures we need to go through to ratify any changes.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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