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I would greatly appreciate it if everybody would leave the conservative atheist group be. My last fuck up probably has me on the verge of being booted as it is, so I don't want ruffle any feathers we don't have . I may not be a very good host, but at least I'm not boring. Thanks everybody that has hung with me, you are about see what I look like and sound like, ain't that a scary thought.

MikeFlora 7 July 21
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Don't go Mike.

Mooolah Level 8 July 22, 2018

You're not on the verge of banishment. Some of us are really fairly tolerant people.
Chill out.

You don't know my past. I have been threatened by this site to have my account deleted

Deleted from ?

@bigpawbullets yep, If I continued to do what I was doing.


They are very sensitive. You have to approach them as babies. Like POTUS. I am using his technique. I threw a bomb into their house & now am making nice nice. They are like cult members who can only follow blindly. They happen to approve of our Idiot in Chief because they are idiots themselves or really are immigrant haters, desire no government to control over what they do, hate any social programs etc. They really like the agenda. They really are racist. they like to kill animalst How does one change that? one doesn't. They have to change & most will not. They are the MILITIA movement morphed into fascists. I am not supposed to argue so I pose facts, links, try to reach the 2 people there that actually think. So far so good. SpikeTalon has welcomed me & I promised I would not incite them into a raging mass of goosesteppers.

Mooolah Level 8 July 22, 2018


Spike Talon is a good dude, so is bigpawbullets

@MikeFlora Yes. Those were the two I referenced


I'm picturing Captain Kangaroo.


Why is there such a double standard between this group and the conservative atheist group? You welcome them here and they are always around arguing with us but we can't engage them? WTF?

wowspring Level 6 July 21, 2018

I agree, we welcome them here.

Just a little while, until the shit storm I stirred up dies down, after that I don't care what you do. That plus they report you if you troll them, we like to rip into them ourselves, I asked site support to not do anything about their posts here and allow us to address them ourselves.
It's been a few days and I'm still here so have at it if you want to, I'm done with them.

I may have misread your post. I thought you meant on their site, which is what I meant, but if they come here, have at it.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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