8 2

Start from the bottom: proper stand, loose body, strong grip! Let's don't target a situation where only the criminals have weapons!

zesty 7 Sep 9
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Gun toters are such scaredy cats. Don't forget to look for commies and terrorists under the bed before you sleep. 😉

dare2dream Level 7 Sep 10, 2018

I'm a property owner a husband and a family with 2 sons yes I carry everyday. Move to a safer place I went from California to Idaho.


There is nothing wrong with legal well trained gun ownership in my view so I’m not at all bothered as so many here are. I want better background checks, age to 21 and no automatic or semi automatic weapons. I have a gun and I have no interest in taking yours away... I am liberal for certain... that does not mean I am unarmed.

Bolt action rifles and single action revolvers is all you want legal?

@educatedredneck Just what kind of ducks do you shoot with an AR15? In any case we need legislation that makes sense and moves us twords better community and school safety. What I personally want is not the point. A discussion needs to happen... I want change because no kid should be afraid to go to school.. mine we’re ratteled... Stoneman Douglas kids that we’re supposed to be in my daughters band computation didn’t make it because they were shot! If you want automatic weapons so you can shoot cans you should get over that because when you look the parent of a dead child in the eye what you want becomes irrelevant.

@ArdentAtheist why is legislation the only solution?

What other problems have we confronted only via restrictive legislation?

Please notice, I'm not say legislation is all bad or a tool we should ignore. I am saying we ignore non legislative ways to decrease gun violence when we seem to know that's guaranteed way to fail w every other issue

BTW, most guns are semi auto now.

@educatedredneck I’m old school and have revolver. I’m all for coming at the problem from multiple sides.

@ArdentAtheist I have a revolver too but also have semi auto.

Btw guns are not just for hunting.
I'm glad you're open to thinking about non legislative interventions. So far you're the only one I've found in this group

@educatedredneck nobody gets what they want if people can’t discuss the issues. Both sides need to compromise and whatever is decided should be re-evaluated on a regular basis to check its effectiveness.

@ArdentAtheist the totally insane things is there really is common ground on most political issues.

If the goal is really to reduce gun fatalities then I think we can have some impact w informal, non restrictive measures like we do every other problem I can think of. I also think the vast majority of gun people, minus the total loons, would endorse more severe consequences for irresponsible gun owners if there wasn't so much evidence that a sizeable percentage of gun control advocates really want a total ban on guns. It seems extremely likely we could significantly decrease gun violence wt the drama and idiocy while also maximizing gun rights.

This page is a decent example on a very small scale. Almost all proposals end up restricting rights for responsible people and we don't have such a bias/focus for other problems. At the same time there's at least one who blatantly admits he doesn't want gun control, he wants a total end to personal firearm ownership. You can argue he's just an extremist and a loon, but the funny thing is absolutely no one criticizes his most extreme posts. He even stated he wants to end the NRA "with extreme prejudice" and wouldn't respond when I asked if that meant killing people who oppose his ideas. Seriously, there's been several posts arguing for an end to gun ownership and absolutely nobody criticizes that mentality. The not so subtle message is people will take every one sided compromise mitigating gun rights as a victory and the most extreme voices won't be quieted no matter what happens.

I've been asking for a rational exchange for awhile and nobody will engage me, lol plus nobody criticized the dude who just said, "fuck you". longish post you may never read, but the insanity is on both sides here but each side acts like OTHERS are always at fault.

The US v THEM attitude in politics seems to be building on all issues


How many AR-15s do you own? I highly recommend them leaving them fully loaded around your house.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Sep 9, 2018

Having a different opinion. Sorry, if one wants to take my weapons away, I won't let it! I carry and once - volunteering to teach in a minority school at night - it saved my life. Have you been there to help me?

zesty Level 7 Sep 9, 2018

Shoot to kill the only solution.

Volunteering in a minority school? What are you implying?

@GreatNani I
I'm a college professor, teaching computer science. As a pro bono work I was asked to lecture in a ghetto school one night. That's it. Not politically correct for you?

@zesty you carry a gun because you work in a minority school in the ghetto?

no, I was just invited as a college professor a few times. hell no, I don't want to work in a minority school!

@GreatNani : I think you found the heart of the problem.

@dare2dream I think you're right.


You must be kidding!!!



zesty Level 7 Sep 9, 2018


kmdskit3 Level 8 Sep 9, 2018
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