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Walmart has decided to stop selling handgun ammo.

MikeFlora 7 Sep 3
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Well good for them Mike, plenty of other businesses that will continue selling ammunition...


Can only assume there was no profit in stocking it

Shooting in Odessa

@MikeFlora shootings never bothered them before ... and don't think an instore shooting would change their minds

@ShadowAmicus That's what they(walmart) said. No more pistol ammo.


Finally, one small step. Duh, Walmart.


And the NRA is having a hissy fit. GOOD, FUCK THE NRA!

NRA can go to hell! All they do is lie!


What types are they banning? Lots you can use in a pistol or rifle.


Fuck Walmart.


More important is the Ban on open carry ammosexuals showing off.



bobwjr Level 10 Sep 3, 2019

I just read the article. They also are saying they will phase out the sales of guns and they are also requesting that people do not carry guns into their stores even if it is in an open carry state. Gee - something scared them.

About god damned time something scared someone!

The shooting in Odessam, part of it was at a Walmart.

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