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Virginia sheriff says he’ll deputize residents if gun laws pass

What the hell? Don't they need something like, uhhh, training? If this goes through I know what is going to happen. Several will let it go to their head, and intentionally go after the "bad hombres". SMH


TheGreatShadow 9 Dec 20
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This will be a license for some shitty people to go out and kill people they don’t like.


maybe ... just maybe ... we could trial it for just a week .......... then I will need an AR15 ...

@ShadowAmicus as long as your targets are shitty people who hurt others and animals it will be okay for a week.....

@ShadowAmicus If that happens I don't live or plan to be in Virginia. Plus I own body armor...


Their going to need more than training , back ground checks , psychological and physical exams , proficient shooting skills . I think the Sheriff needs a psycho exam . There are enough bad cops we don't need to put a on some gun nut . ( I support the 2nd amendment for responsible gun laws .

Besalbub Level 8 Dec 20, 2019

Same with a CCW. Some states let you take the test online. Here you need to take an 8 hour course, and shoot at the range. You have to hit a target from anywhere from 3' to 21'. No background or mental test. But some people that get a CCW just want to go out and get the "bad hombres". Wrong reason.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

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