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"Climate Change: No Breakthroughs Needed Amory Lovins describes how we can remove the barriers to renewable energy—to save our climate, protect our economy, and restore our energy security. Lovins is widely considered among the world’s leading authorities on energy—especially its efficient use and sustainable supply—and a fertile innovator in integrative design and in super-efficient buildings, factories, and vehicles." He asks the question: "Would you rather die of A, oil wars, or B, climate change, or C, nuclear holocaust, or D, all of the above? Oh, I missed one—or E, none of the above."

AnonySchmoose 8 May 18
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When the skeptics with the money to keep promoting their ignorance on climate change, a lot of innovated things that I have read about can be put into practice and further developed, to create maximum results! But, it is a ‘hard sell’ against denial and ignorance! Which I find hard to believe!

Well, there is an atmosphere of activity with experimentation, so that may be good as long as it doesn't distract from the already proven methods of instituting renewable energy.


Here's the web site Dr. Lovins refers us to in both presentations.


Robecology Level 9 May 18, 2019

I think I found a better, shorter presentation. This is really worth watching. I'll be sharing this a lot.

Robecology Level 9 May 18, 2019

Thanks! A shorter version will be more accessible for everyone!


Important highlights of Mr. Lovins speech - such eloquent wording!

SAD and Sorry that the presentation didn't include the graphics he references throughout his speech. The sound is garbled as well

Having said that; I so totally respect Mr. Lovins that I watched the whole speech, and summarized as follows.

-What if we could 'make energy do our work wtihout being our "undoing"?
-Fire made us human.
-Fossil fuels made us modern
-Four fifths of our energy comes from burning 4 cubic miles of the swampy remains of primeval swamp goo (each year).
-The present fossil fuel-based energy system is inefficient, disconnected, aging, dirty, and insecure.
-This optimism is based on no new new inventions. Get us off oil and coal, and down to 1/3 our natural gas use by 2050....very possible and possibly cheaper.
-start by getting cars off oil, because they use half of it (our daily use of FF's).
-Cars will be first and most important if we focus on two areas; Electric propulsion and ultralight body materials, focusing on carbon-fiber technologies.
-We can and should introduce the "feebate" system of taxing inefficient cars and power plants, and subsidizing EV makers who focus on lighter body weight and yet stronger, more efficient propulsion.
-Carbon fiber-helmet harder than titanium, weighs less, and is made in a minute.
-biofuels can effectively replace gas and oil; and 2/3 of that can be obtained from our wastes.
-We can and are progressing toward greater electrical efficiency to where we will use less to get more done.
-Both gasoline and Electricity hit a maximum use in 2007; they've both been going down since.
-The key to improving energy efficiency is "integrative Design".
-In the Empire state building for example, we proved that we could make all the glass windows let in almost the same amount of light and almost no heat...improving the efficiency of that building two fifths (40%) in 2010. We set up a window remanufacturing facility on one of the vacant floors and remanufactured all 6,514 windows. We then renovated smaller chillers rather than adding bigger chllers...saving more $$.
-we're doing this in other buildings in Colorado and Arizona.

I'm sorry; I stopped summarizing because I felt I was wasting your time and mine. I'll search for better coverage of this very important talk.****

Robecology Level 9 May 18, 2019
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