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Really glad to see Musk's recent positions in favor of:

  1. Carbon Tax
  2. Carbon Capture. I wish that he had used the term Carbon Cleanup, but still, great to see this one.
kmaz 7 Feb 15
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Unfortunately, I was in a hurry when I posted this, and I still am, but to do a slightly better job of filling in my point(s) about this:

A Carbon tax would, I think, end the moralizing and rebase the society wide anti-carbon-pollution effort to be baked in to pricing. Impressively, IMO, Musk seems to get this, more or less, although on the fly I couldn't find a quote which fully illustrates whether he gets it or not.


Power Players
Elon Musk: ‘My top recommendation’ for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a carbon tax
Published Fri, Feb 12 20214:52 PM ESTUpdated Fri, Feb 12 20215:50 PM EST
Catherine Clifford

"....“My top recommendation, honestly, would be just add a carbon tax,” Musk told Joe Rogan on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast on Thursday. “The economy works great. Prices and money are just information. ... If the price is wrong, the economy doesn’t do the right thing.”

My main goal in posting was not to praise or criticize Musk but to bring out what I have been trying to bring out on other boards which is:

a) both carbon tax and carbon cleanup are critical.
b) it's great to have backing on this from someone so powerful and influential, and the backing is knowledgeable and seems to understand why those measures are necessary.

As to what Musk is doing on Carbon Cleanup:

The who, what and where of Elon Musk’s $100 million prize money for carbon capture innovation
Published Mon, Feb 8 20216:06 AM ESTUpdated Mon, Feb 8 20218:46 AM EST
Catherine Clifford

Note that I do drive a Tesla, but am not a Tesla shareholder and am not intolerant of open-minded discussion of Tesla or Musk, whether that ends up in praise or criticism where due (as with due praise or criticism of anyone or anything), but the point of invoking his name on this thread was mainly to bring attention to these two critical (IMO) action points, and then to add that it's good to see an influential person is smartly helping on these.

kmaz Level 7 Feb 15, 2021

If he ever succeeds in bringing that $35,000.00 "Tesla" to market I am so in.

Mooolah Level 8 Feb 15, 2021

Yes, he is the paragon of virtue. He just bought billions in bitcoin, the most carbon intensive currency there is. The amount of electricity used to "mine" bitcoin equals the electrical usage of Argentina.

Theresa_N Level 8 Feb 15, 2021

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