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Any Babylon 5 fans?
24 years ago I was addicted to this series. Now that it's available on Amazon Prime, i can revisit the story.

While B5 didn't have the big budget special effects of ST TNG or DS9, they made up for it with compelling story telling.

One reason I think it was so engaging was that the whole series (the first 4 seasons, at least) was basically one epic story arc: we saw characters grow and evolve.

Sure, the technological jargon was corny and the acting was a little wooden here and there. But i think the issues the show examined: namely, democracy vs authoritarianism, government intrusion into personal freedom/personal thoughts(the psi-corp), are just as relevant today.

TelefunkenU37 6 July 1
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Beautifully parodied in the latter scenes of "star wreck."


Loved Babylon 5. I have a poster bought from comic con that I framed and hung in the dining room(yes I am not married). At the time it had some of the best battle scenes.

jab60 Level 6 July 1, 2018

Yeah, this was a great sci-fi show. I liked it so much. I would never miss it. It's been so long though. I actually have 3 cds of soundtrack on this series which was composed by Christopher Franke. Boy, this takes me back.

Georgy303 Level 6 July 1, 2018

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