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So this evening as the storm blows in from the southwest, we've selected 2 movies to watch as a double feature. Damination Alley was my choice.
George Peppard & Jan-Michael Vincent plus that really cool ATV. Anyone else here like that apocalypse movie?

bigpawbullets 9 Sep 7
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Cutting edge lighting for the time, though it hasn't aged too well... Based on a book by Roger Zelazny, my all time favourite sf author... Pity that more of his works have not yet been adapted...

DiogenesUK Level 5 Sep 12, 2018

I always wanted that machine! ???

Umbral Level 8 Sep 7, 2018

I've read that two were built and the drive train system for those tri- wheels worked really well.

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Posted by ninjarider1Porsche, the maker of premium high-performance sports cars, created, in collaboration with Lucasfilm. a starship named the Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter. [] []

Posted by ninjarider1Porsche, the maker of premium high-performance sports cars, created, in collaboration with Lucasfilm. a starship named the Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter. [] []

Posted by ninjarider1Porsche, the maker of premium high-performance sports cars, created, in collaboration with Lucasfilm. a starship named the Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter. [] []

Posted by ninjarider1Porsche, the maker of premium high-performance sports cars, created, in collaboration with Lucasfilm. a starship named the Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter. [] []

Posted by ninjarider1Rocinate and the Razorback from The Expanse

Posted by ninjarider1I keep calling the coronavirus "Captain Tripps", but no one gets the reference! I am surrounded by savages.

Posted by ChatoyantHas anyone read The Expanse Series and/or is watching the series? I can't wait for the next season on Prime!

Posted by taichifanAre Sci-fi memes ok here?

Posted by ponz111I am getting tired of the science fiction/horror movies combined Walking Dead is ok but the movies which use too much horror turn me off.

Posted by jerry99Noticed this on Twitter today and was surprised that I generally agree with the "voting.

Posted by MusicMnstr99Any Farscape fans?

Posted by JazznBluesOct 7th - Can't come soon enough...

Posted by bigpawbulletsWith my luck I'd have been assigned as a Red Shirt:

Posted by bigpawbulletsI'm impressed with the logic. Although, it does make use of a few unproven assumptions:

Posted by bigpawbulletsSo this evening as the storm blows in from the southwest, we've selected 2 movies to watch as a double feature.

Posted by bigpawbulletsStar Trek. TOS was a defining moment in science fiction going mainstream. Glad I was never in a "red shirt" situation in real life.

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