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Battlestar galactica 2004 (a recent binge)

i found myself becoming disappointed with the overt religiosity, despite loving the story line and acting. but i felt it more than redeemed itself in the end. maybe im totally wrong in my read of it, but it seemed to take the notion of religious belief and show it for what it is: a coping strategy.

am i wrong?

outlier8 5 Aug 24
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The ghost 6 tell in the first episode that she is an angel XD.
About the religion, in most of the series it is treated more like a social/political power than a mystic stuff. Even the legend of the gods are shown to just be passages in the history of the original planet (before the 12 colonies) that were forgotten/not well registered.
In the end the 2 angels are just observers that sees the history repeating every thousands of year and try to interfere but are powerless due to the nature itself.
If there is a god like creature in the BSG universe this creature is incapable of change the big picture.

Pedrohbds Level 7 Sep 14, 2018

Yeah, I think so. It certainly was never explained so it's really down to interpretation of the bits of the picture we got. I definitely enjoyed Galactica but it really declined after Season 2.


I'm not sure, i felt the end left the idea that God was real and had intervened. Sci fi often treats God's as just another, more powerful race that we may not understand but are potentially capable of understanding. Galactica left me with the feeling that the God it portrayed really was that, an outsider that was unknowable and powerful in a way that totally transcends limits.

I really enjoyed it but the two 'angels' i was less impressed by.

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