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I recently posted a "Favorite Author?" question. Ninety-five percent of the responses have been sci-fi or fantasy authors. I wonder why?

TravelinTom 5 May 14
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It’s interesting but perhaps people like JK Rowling are becoming the major influencers of the myths of childhood. Favourite authors might well be those which are remembered fondly from that period. Then again there has been a recent wave in favour of sci fi and fantasy authors.

There might come a time when the classic authors come back into favour... but if it hadn’t been for my English literature course I would never have read the likes of Thomas Hardy or even Shakespeare.

Denker Level 7 June 28, 2018

You posted it in a general forum? That is weird. Do you think we really don’t read other kinds of authors or is some kind of unstated expectation that we only talk about speculative stuff?
My favorite non sci fi authors are Nabokov, and James Joyce.

Or how about Brian O’Nolan?
An Béal Bocht is a 1941 novel in Irish by Brian O'Nolan, published under the pseudonym "Myles na gCopaleen". It is widely regarded as one of the greatest Irish-language novels of the 20th century.

SinMissing Level 5 June 23, 2018

Yes, I posted in the general forum Music, Movies & Books. The question I posted was, "Your very favorite author, name just one." I posted this question here because, like you, I think it weird that so many in this forum have gravitated to the SciFi/Fantasy genre. I was hoping for that discussion. I appreciate good sci-fi, I am not being critical. Most of the replies I got were visionary authors like Asimov, Verne and Wells. It is just that I had expected so many "rationalists" who have rejected the most popular fantasy in history to have gone that direction.


I love a good dystopian novel, it's just hard to find any that aren't science fiction or fantasy outside of historical biographies.

Kafirah Level 8 May 14, 2018

For a while now, I've been struck with just how many people are narcissistic. They're always talking about themselves, their experience, their families. They rarely ask how the other person is, or even care for that matter. Anyway, I would love to write a story called Narcisstopia. lol

@ArgosFriend I'm currently writing a post apocalyptic utopian novel that starts just after the collapse of Earth's climate resulting in a superplague that decimates 90% of the world's population in a matter of weeks and the survivors who must find a way to make it and eventually repair and rebuild... Well, everything. I deal with that very issue in it also but it's not a major theme. I think you should do it! You've already got a great premise and title! Go for it! I'd read it!

@Kafir Why thank you very much 🙂 Perhaps your kind words were the inspiration I needed to get me to start it. I thought that perhaps at birth, they insert a narcissist meter that controls how much and how often we talk about ourselves. btw -- I love your idea too. Do you belong to the writers' group on here?

@ArgosFriend there's a writer's group??? Actually, I might be... I can't remember. I joined a lot of groups on day one lol BTW, the title of my book is Dustopia ?

Update: just checked, and I am indeed a member of that group ?

@ArgosFriend that sounds awesome so far! Like a world that has grown sick of all the social media and status updates and Instagramness in the world. I would definitely read that!

@Kafir I might have to give you credit as co-author! I never thought of including social media angst. I too am sick of all the selfies, pictures of food, and constant updates! Thanks for that idea 🙂 lol on your dust name.

@Kafir Here's the name of the group: AUTHORS, EDITORS, PUBLISHERS, AND READERS

@ArgosFriend just checked and I did join that group on day 1 lol

@ArgosFriend no need. A single signed copy will be a great substitute for credit ☺

@ArgosFriend It has been done, by Ovid. It was epic.

@TravelinTom Cool. I'll have to look it up. Thanks. Couldn't find it under Ovid. Do you know the actual title?

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