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I just asked if there was a group concerned wth grammar and punctuation and it brought up 'Just for laughs'. Are there no other pedants, or custodians of the language, here?

CeliaVL 7 Oct 12
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Comprehension is a good one too.
A few weeks ago I posted a one liner "Transpeople ain't what they used to be".
It's a play on words and can be taken several ways. But I was quite amazed how many just read "trans" and put on their PC caps and started deriding the post as if it was derogatory.
Language is all about communication. The finer points of written language is all fine and good but not essential to effective communication. Comprehension helps though.
And then we also have here English and American spellings.

puff Level 8 Oct 12, 2024

I'm afraid a lot of people don't understand wordplay or irony, these days. I blame poor education and also restricting themselves to the same repetitive media.

@CeliaVL Inuendo and sarcasm are the other two.

@puff No, there are more than three of them. And what sort of parent calls there kids "Inuendo and Sarcasm" anyway ? No wonder they grow up without social and language skills.

@CeliaVL It's also restricting their use of language so as to not offend. They tend to take things literally always I agree with tongue in cheek stuff often being missed because of a monopoly of entertainment.


No…but there’s a group for those of us who love word knowledge and are interested in extending our vocabularies and expanding our understanding of where and how the words we use in.our language originated. .
It’s called “The Uncommon Word and their Meanings” group, and I already posted my usual daily contribution to it earlier this morning.
Today it was…. “Non Sequitur - Noun”.

I saw it. I hope your efforts are appreciated by some of our less well-educated members, but I suspect you are preaching to the choir.

@CeliaVL Probably so…but I enjoy doing it anyway! 😅

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